Our Process

5 Easy Steps To Get Started

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Why is Important to Exercise Safely During Pregnancy and After the Birth ?

The standard response from medical professionals is to wait until 6 weeks after giving birth to resume a normal exercise schedule. However, many new mums have reported how this didn’t work for them. This isn’t a surprise because many things can happen to a woman after giving birth, and this can last for months or even years after giving birth. 

Let’s look at a few of them  

In ‘Pregnant Women and New Mums’, you will be able to exercise with real pregnant women and real new mums, carrying out safe exercises. You will see women at different stages of pregnancy and new mums with new babies and older babies. Remember if you’re a new mum, there are also exercises you can carry out holding the child and exercises you can do with the child right next to you.

If you are pregnant, it’s important to look at three factors.

  1. How you react to the first trimester – some women experience extreme sickness in the early stages of the first trimester. If this is the case, it’s sensible to eat little and often and have regular rest periods. Feel free to use our exercises, but maybe keep the exercise periods to 5 mins in these early stages and gradually increase them as your body adapts to the pregnancy. 
  2. Which trimester you are in ? – Women react very differently to different trimesters. Some find the first trimester hard and the second one easier, whereas others barely notice they are pregnant until 10 weeks in. This is all quite natural and in terms of exercise it’s sensible to carry out gentle stretching routines during weeks of tiredness. Some of our Swissball exercises will also help take pressure off your abdomen.  
  3. How big the foetus grows – If you have a large foetus, it is often useful to use some extra back exercises to give extra support. Exercises sitting on the Swissball can also help as it allows gentle core activation and a more comfortable sitting position for short periods. 

Exercise With Real Pregnant Women and New Mums

The massive growth in social media has led to the growth in ‘fitness’ or ‘exercise influencers’. Following the advice of such people is ok if they are qualified to talk about their subject. However, much of the information out there is dangerous, especially for pregnant women and new mums. Videos of third trimester women lifting heavy weights and carrying out intense exercise are common. Some women will follow this advice and get away with it. What isn’t publicised is the women who follow this advice, and it leads to harm. Overstretched tendons and ligaments are common, and damage to tummy muscle in new mothers. Over-exertion during pregnancy could even harm to the foetus.  

It’s extremely important to follow the medical science in any exercise programme – which is why we suggest you use our exercises. You will see pregnant women and new mums on our app carrying out safe exercises and routines. Our focus is HEALTH and WELLNESS in these precious months. But don’t worry – if you want to tone your body again, we can help you with that too in a safe timescale.  

At Sport and Health, we love to give you the option to train with cheap and easily available pieces of equipment – or to train without equipment. You will have lots of options. You can have days exercising with equipment and days without. You can train with the child or on your own, and best of all you can do it all in your home if you wish. 

If you like equipment, some of the most useful are:

  1. A comfy, padded mat. Beware of getting thin yoga mats as kneeling on hard surfaces can affect something called the Bursa in your knee. The Bursa is a fluid-filled sac that acts as a cushion between a bone and a tendon. If you compress it, it can become inflamed. It’s also important to have some cushioning under you back when lying down for exercises (never lie on your stomach when pregnant). 
  2. An anti-burst Swissball. We suggest you get a 45 or 55 cm ball. Remember the smaller the ball, the harder you have to work on balance. If you order through the post, make sure to buy a cheap pump for it at the same time as it’s best to keep the ball firm for use. 
  3. Elastics. It’s possible to get more expensive elastics from companies such as ‘Bodylastics’. They come in kits that allow you to attach them to a door anchor, which will sit in the hinge of your door. You also get ankle straps – helping you to carry out leg elastics and handles that help with arm elastics. They come in varying colours and strengths – but unless you’re a trained athlete, the green elastics, (which are 5lbs or 2.3kgs of tension), are usually fine. If you feel quite weak, you can start with the yellow elastics which are which are 3lbs or 1.4 kgs of tension 
  4. You can get therabands for as little as 99p each. You can also by rolls for around £20 and cut strips for use. They will last roughly 3 months for each strip. They don’t have the strength of elastics and are not as easy to attach to anchor points. However, they are useful for simple exercises while seated and can also be tied in a loop to put around the legs and use for basic strengthening exercises. 
  5. A set of light dumbbells – 1 or 2 kg. These will allow gentle arm and shoulder exercises and can be used while seated.  

Bonding With the Child Through Exercise

The first  year of pregnancy can be a daunting time for the mother. Irregular hours, tiredness and the responsibility of a new life that relies on you can sometimes lead to many thinking that they will need to give up their own needs for a year. It’s important to realise however that not only can you exercise with the child, but it can actually be a magical time where the bond between you grows. This process can also continue as the child grows older.  

Exercising while pregnant can also be a magical time. If you are carrying out the correct exercises, you will often feel the baby kick in that time, especially if you have music on. Remember also, that you will be creating extra blood flow in that time which is good for you and the baby.  

There are different methods of training with a baby, and we’ll show you both on the app, whether that’s carrying  the baby or exercising with the baby right next to you. 

At Sport and Health, we encourage families to exercise together. In a world with so little time now, it’s a great idea to use exercise time to create an environment of bonding and health. During Covid many families carried out exercise sessions at home, or went on walks, run or bike rides together. Let’s get back to that in post-covid times and remember the positives that we learnt.

Working With Groups

We are experts in working with groups in the following area  

If you would like us to give a presentation, help train your workforce or help set online programmes, please contact us any time. We can  give huge discounts for group use of the app and develop specialist software for specific use and analysis. 

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Mom-to-Mom Fitnes

Nurturing Wellness for Expecting and New Mothers

Embracing Motherhood with Fitness

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Safe and Effective Workouts for Expecting Moms

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Postnatal Fitness: Restoring Strength and Vitality

After childbirth, the focus shifts to rebuilding strength and stamina. Explore gentle exercises and targeted workouts that aid in postpartum recovery

Bonding Through Movement: Mom and Baby Workouts

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Our Process

5 Easy Steps To Get Started

Simple guide for a transformative journey - follow these easy steps to begin.

Step 1

Download the App

Begin your wellness journey by downloading our app from your device’s app store.

Step 2

Create Your Profile

Personalize your experience by creating a profile. Input essential details, and let us guide you on your wellness path.

Step 3

Adapt Your Personalised Programmes, Set Personal Goals

Choose from a variety of programmes that cater to your specific needs by adapting and setting goals that suit your lifestyle. Have your programmes re-evaluated weekly or as often as you like.

Step 4

Track, Analyse, Thrive

Track your progress and identify areas for improvement with our app. Let the app help you progress and achieve your goals with its analytics tools.

Step 5

Join the Community

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Advice FromTrainer to World Champions in 3 Different Sports
Advice FromNational Cross-Country Champion Twice & International Marathon Runner
Advice FromDietitian With 2 National Awards

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