Simple Recovery
Although ‘Personal Trainer’ produces an exercise and rehabilitation exercise programme around your injury – we have set up a special zone for those of you who want simple exercises and advice for specific injuries.
We know how frustrating it is when you suffer an injury, or when you’re trying to rehabilitate from surgery and it’s so difficult to know what you can and can’t do. It can take days trying to contact experts and surf through the internet for advice. It can also be very expensive ! Therefore, we have listed the most common injuries for you and laid out some simple exercises and routines that can rehabilitate you.
It’s extremely important to not only do the right exercises, but to do them correctly. This will not only speed up your recovery time, but it could prevent you from being readmitted to hospital after surgery because you have relapsed.
Dealing With the Complications of Injury
It is impossible to deal with every possible complication that could come from an injury, and it’s always vital to seek professional medical advice in all conditions. However, we have a wealth of knowledge that will help you recover from many conditions. The most important thing is that you put small amounts of time aside regularly to rehabilitate your injury. Many people think that if they take pain killers, then the injury will heal itself over time. This usually isn’t true for several reasons.
- You could be damaging an area of your body through overloading it or moving it in a position it shouldn’t be moving – but because you don’t feel the pain. Therefore, you could be doing further damage to the body.
- Many injuries are caused by misalignment of the body. This may result in the damage of one particular joint or muscle – but the remedy will involve the alignment of different areas of the body. You can think of your body as a suspension bridge. If one of the suspension cables snaps, you wouldn’t just look at that one cable and the exact place that it snapped. You would look at the whole structure of the bridge – which movements caused most, strain and was it constructed to spread the load evenly.
- Many injuries can be caused by some muscles being weaker than others. These muscles are more likely to strain or tear. Therefore, it’s good to strengthen these muscles to prevent further injury. Painkillers may hide the pain in that muscle, but that may lead to you ignoring the problem until that muscle fails.
We have split the body into two different zones.
- Muscles
- Joints
You can select the area where your injury has occurred and look up the correct exercises. There will sometimes be cross-over between the two, but we will deal with that in the videos. If you want any more information at any point, then you can always get in touch with us.
Case Study – Tennis or Golfer’s Elbow
Millions of people globally suffer from tennis or golfer’s elbow each year. They instinctively think that it is due to a problem with the elbow joint and many wear a brace over that joint. Others receive treatment from a Physiotherapist who works directly on the joint. However, this is usually a completely misunderstood condition.
Millions of people globally suffer from tennis or golfer’s elbow each year. They instinctively think that it is due to a problem with the elbow joint and many wear a brace over that joint. Others receive treatment from a Physiotherapist who works directly on the joint. However, this is usually a completely misunderstood condition.
There are several factors to consider when treating tennis or golfer’s elbow.
- Are the muscles running through the arm, back and shoulder tight, damaged, or weak?
- Are the back and shoulder muscles in good alignment?
- Is the person hitting the ball correctly, as incorrect technique can lead to greater forces going through the elbow ? Releasing the force of a shot can reduce the strain on the elbow by 40%.
- Is the person properly hydrated and fuelled?
- Finally, is there any actual damage to the joint itself, or is the inflammation coming from the tendon running into the elbow?
The Teres Major muscle runs from the base of the armpit into the upper arm. This muscle works hard when you lift your arm above your head, and when it’s under strain, it can tighten and restrict the extension of the arm. This is turn can cause tightness on the tricep muscle that runs into the elbow. The muscle runs into tendon, which then attaches to bone in the joint. By loosening this whole area and conditioning the muscles running into the joint, we can prevent inflammation of the tendon and alleviate the pain around the joint.
Have you ever checked your back out ? Many Physiotherapists never check a patient’s back when they present with elbow pain. It’s vital to remember that the muscle network in the body is a series of strings that all interconnected. They pull on each other to allow the body to move, and problems in one area leads to problems in other areas.
An aligned back will not only lead to greater back health, but greater health throughout the arm and the elbow. Notice also in a healthy back that the muscles are all equally strong. The weaker muscle is much more likely to give way and pull or tear (causing inflammation).
You will find simple routines in our app that can be used at home or in the gym to allow correct alignment and strength balance. We will also help you check that you are properly hydrated and fuelled as this will help muscle regenerate much more quickly. It will help prevent injury and will also speed up any rehabilitation.
Finally, an expert should check the joint itself to see if there is any damage directly there. However, what you will see from this case study, is how important it is to check other parts of the body and keep them in good order if you want to reduce pain and injury in the future. If you’re a sports person, it’s also going to allow you to play and compete for many more years.
You will see from our pictures how vital back health is. 1 in 14 people are out of work in the UK in 2024 due to back problems and pressures on health services globally mean it’s more important than ever now to look after our health as much as possible. Relying on treatment or medication will not guarantee you healing (if you’re able to see an expert at all).
Use our simple exercises on the app to make sure you have good back health. Also remember other factors that can damage the back.
- Incorrect lifting techniques
- Sport – using one side continually, lack of warm up and warm down and dehydration
- A sedentary lifestyle – unused muscles get a lesser blood flow, are less supple and more likely to pull or tear. They can also compress nerves running through them and around them.
- Age and reduced activity – Reducing activity as we age can lead to muscle losing its strength and a reduced blood flow
- Sudden activity – Hospitals are full of parents who aren’t very active now, but suddenly run and kick balls with their children. It’s hard to understand how you can do so much damage such as rupturing a tendon, when you used to be so fit. But lack of activity for months or years – followed by an explosive movement can cause much harm.
Corporate Help
We can help you with the following:
- We can provide detailed rehabilitation programmes for your workforce
- We can provide your company with data feedback and specialist reports to monitor the effectiveness of your back to work programmes. We can even help you monitor participants in terms of take-up and progress
- We can develop software that meets your exact needs at a fraction of the cost that you would pay elsewhere. We can adapt our existing software and databases within weeks to meet your needs
- We can offer training to your whole workforce which you can then follow up with the app or your own software should you so wish.